The project “Young Verified Leaders” (YVL) is the blended result of a strong international solidarity drive and a long term partnership between four organisations: “We love Sousse” (Tunisia), “ADEEJ” (Algeria), “ALEJ” (Algeria) and “Solidarity Youth of Germany – Solijugend” (Germany). YVL is a direct response to the social impact of the lockdowns and the tragic consequences of the sanitary crisis. After months of isolation, the time has now come to create concrete measures for our young people in Algeria, Tunisia and Germany and strengthen our relationships.
“Young Verified Leaders” Project Handbook available for download
The “Young Verified Leaders” (YFL) project aimed at training young leaders from Tunisia, Algeria and Germany. Our Handbook on best-practices and valuable insights into the project is now available for download.
The goal of the trilateral “Young Verified Leaders” project was to train young future leaders from Germany, Algeria, and Tunisia to manage and lead international groups. The program combined hybrid and face-to-face activities in an international, multidisciplinary, and linguistically diverse setting. The project aimed at promoting exchanges between volunteers and staff members as well as strengthening links between youth workers from all three countries in a long lasting, sustainable manner. In addition to practical and theoretical learning activities related to leadership skills, the project focused on a diverse set of issues: understanding of group dynamics, self-perception, responsibilities, and rights of young leaders from an intercultural perspective, media awareness and social media, mental health, gender issues, communication, and conflict resolution, along with a special emphasis on how postcolonial studies contribute to fighting racism and extremism.

Exchange of professionals in Tunisia
From 13 to 18 December 2021, the coordination team of the project “Young Verified Leaders“ met in Sousse (Solijugend, ADEEJ and ALEJ from Algeria...

Young Verified Leaders: Workshop “Leadership and Interculturality”
On the 3rd of December 2021, a reunion between 20 young people, the coordination team from Germany, Tunisia and Algeria and the representative of...

Leadership and Interculturality
Are you interested in other cultures and would like to become active in an international community? Do you work with young people? Do you want to...