Workshop “Racism through a youth lens”
The sixth workshop of the Young Verified Leaders (YVL) project took place on the 8th of July 2022 and brought together more than 20 young leaders in addition to the four project coordinators teams for a two-hour and a half virtual exchange session.
The session was facilitated by 4 international youth leaders:
Ghada Elouaer from Tunisia
Nour Islem Cheikh Echioukh also known as Tokki from Algeria
Melissa from Algeria and Hannes from Germany
And then Ghada defined the term Racism according to BRITANNICA and showed its different aspects and where it can be found.
After that, Ghada shared with us some pictures that describe racism from a historical view and invited the attendees to comment their thoughts upon these pictures. The attendees were choked and empathised with the pictures and especially the stories behind them.
This was the final picture that Ghada shared during the session which made the attendees somehow relieved and liked the fact that the final picture had positive vibes that people are defending their rights and are fighting for equal freedom.
The next activity was about listening to a song that is related to the rasicm, which was called ”Black people song“
After watching the video and hearing the song, the attendees were splitted into breakout rooms and answered these questions:
- Where can we experience racism?
- Have you ever encountered a racist situation? How did you feel?
- Do you consider your country racist?
And then Melissa facilitated the next part where she presented some reasons for the spread of racism on social media, and invited the attendees to give their feedback.
After that, the attendees answered several questions using the Mentimeter application. One of the questions was: “What would you do if someone made a racist post on social media?”
Which led the session to talk about the topic of racism & social media mentioning the black lives matter movement.
After that, the attendees talked about racism and media with mentioning some known medias that always talk and supports movements against racism.
The final part of the session was facilitated by Tokki, and talked about systemic racism and how the different institutions or organisations deal with racism. During his part, Tokki mentioned some examples and statistics regarding the difference in the behaviour in the field of education.
And then, he presented movies that talked about fighting racism and splitted us into breakout rooms to talk about these movies and share opinion about them. At the end of the session, a feedback form was sent to all the attendees in order to evaluate the session.